INSTEP won 2 medals at PERTANDINGAN INOVASI Pembelajaran & Pengajaran 2018 organised by UKM on 18 January 2018, themed “Education 4.0: Future Proof Graduates.” INSTEP Electrical Academy won GOLD medal for Virtual Reality (VR) Experience in Electrical Competency Training and Assessment.

The team developed an interactive VR based Learning & Teaching (L&T) tool to provide knowledge and skills for learners in electrical generator synchronising, switching and situational decision-making under virtual environment.

The VR tool enables content retention and gaining critical problem solving skills in a controlled environment. More importantly, learners are able to gain experiential learning under safe and hazard free conditions prior to real life application.
On the Learning Aid & e-Learning category, INSTEP Instrumentation Academy won BRONZE medal for the Plant Information on the Go (PIGO) project.

The objective of PIGO is to optimise learning time by applying integrated wireless technology to improve response time between controller and field operators. It can be applied in Programmable Logic Controller and Process Control.
Winning these awards will further enhance INSTEP’s reputation as a dynamic organisation in digital learning.
INSTEP won 2 medals at PERTANDINGAN INOVASI Pembelajaran & Pengajaran 2018 organised by UKM on 18 January 2018, themed “Education 4.0: Future Proof Graduates.” INSTEP Electrical Academy won GOLD medal for Virtual Reality (VR) Experience in Electrical Competency Training and Assessment.

The team developed an interactive VR based Learning & Teaching (L&T) tool to provide knowledge and skills for learners in electrical generator synchronising, switching and situational decision-making under virtual environment.

The VR tool enables content retention and gaining critical problem solving skills in a controlled environment. More importantly, learners are able to gain experiential learning under safe and hazard free conditions prior to real life application.
On the Learning Aid & e-Learning category, INSTEP Instrumentation Academy won BRONZE medal for the Plant Information on the Go (PIGO) project.

The objective of PIGO is to optimise learning time by applying integrated wireless technology to improve response time between controller and field operators. It can be applied in Programmable Logic Controller and Process Control.
Winning these awards will further enhance INSTEP’s reputation as a dynamic organisation in digital learning.