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Celebrating Hari Alam Sekitar Negara 2023 with Batu Rakit Beach Cleaning
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Celebrating Hari Alam Sekitar Negara 2023 with Batu Rakit Beach Cleaning

Posted date: 08 November 2023

A nationwide celebration for the environmentalist and green enthusiast, Hari Alam Sekitar Negara (HASN) 2023 is celebrated from 20 to 27 October annually. Since its inception in October 1989, HASN has been an annual commemoration by Malaysia Federal Government as its continuous support to educate environment knowledge and instil awareness of environmental conservation and reservation among local community. 

Morning sun did not deter the participants to actively clean the shoreline.

Acting as a platform for Batu Rakit neighbourhood to experience ‘Gotong Royong Kutip Sampah Sambil Riadah’ or more famously known as KUDAH, MBKT in collaboration with Department of Environment and UNISZA celebrated HASN with beach cleaning activity at Pantai Batu Rakit.


Armed with trash pickers and plastic bags, 150 participants together with 15 volunteers from INSTEP roamed the Pantai Batu Rakit shoreline, with a mission, to restore the pristine sand beach to be free with trash. 

264kg trash were collected throughout the programme.

With almost of 8 million tons of plastic in our ocean worldwide and even more winding up on beaches every day, it is always our duty to combat environmental harm, and beach cleaning is one of the efforts worth the try.

Echoing PETRONAS’ efforts in sustainability while highlighting our social impact branding through engagement with community, this activity served its purpose in celebrating the event, aligned with the theme of ‘Alam Sekitar Tanggungjawab Bersama’.

A nationwide celebration for the environmentalist and green enthusiast, Hari Alam Sekitar Negara (HASN) 2023 is celebrated from 20 to 27 October annually. Since its inception in October 1989, HASN has been an annual commemoration by Malaysia Federal Government as its continuous support to educate environment knowledge and instil awareness of environmental conservation and reservation among local community. 

Morning sun did not deter the participants to actively clean the shoreline.

Acting as a platform for Batu Rakit neighbourhood to experience ‘Gotong Royong Kutip Sampah Sambil Riadah’ or more famously known as KUDAH, MBKT in collaboration with Department of Environment and UNISZA celebrated HASN with beach cleaning activity at Pantai Batu Rakit.


Armed with trash pickers and plastic bags, 150 participants together with 15 volunteers from INSTEP roamed the Pantai Batu Rakit shoreline, with a mission, to restore the pristine sand beach to be free with trash. 

264kg trash were collected throughout the programme.

With almost of 8 million tons of plastic in our ocean worldwide and even more winding up on beaches every day, it is always our duty to combat environmental harm, and beach cleaning is one of the efforts worth the try.

Echoing PETRONAS’ efforts in sustainability while highlighting our social impact branding through engagement with community, this activity served its purpose in celebrating the event, aligned with the theme of ‘Alam Sekitar Tanggungjawab Bersama’.

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