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PTTSB won PMHA for Notable Achievement Award in Environmental Performance!
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PTTSB won PMHA for Notable Achievement Award in Environmental Performance!

Posted date: 03 March 2021

PETRONAS Technical Training Sdn Bhd (PTTSB) won its first ever sustainability recognition by achieving the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award (PMHA) for Notable Achievement Award in Environmental Performance for the year 2019/2020.

The Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award, first launched in 1996, is the premier private sector environmental award for business and industry in Malaysia. It assists enterprises in identifying areas for improvement in environmental management for these industries. This award also presents an opportunity or public recognition of business and industry’s environmental accomplishment and leadership, as well as to create environmental awareness amongst enterprises that have yet to demonstrate environmental stewardship.

Being conferred as one of the most prestigious Malaysian Environmental Stewardship, PTTSB has clear demonstration of stewardship in the quest for sustainable development. One of the main sustainability acts is the implementation of food composting technology in 2020, which aims to transform food waste into bio-organic fertiliser for plantation and greening the INSTEP campus.

Another notable sustainable act by PTTSB was the implementation of CAPEXLESS High Efficiency Equipment Upgrade under Smart Energy Efficiency (SEE) project in INSTEP, which enables INSTEP to save approximately 407,880 kWh per year of energy consumption, equivalent to a reduction of carbon dioxide emission by 283 tonnes per year.

The leaders of PTTSB presented an award speech on the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award Virtual Event.

Rallying to PETRONAS’s commitment to Sustainability Development Agenda and net zero carbon emission by 2050, PTTSB aspires to step out into new energy and green agenda, with strong transition to a sustainability living space to create a sustainable future while enriching energy workforce. 

PETRONAS Technical Training Sdn Bhd (PTTSB) won its first ever sustainability recognition by achieving the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award (PMHA) for Notable Achievement Award in Environmental Performance for the year 2019/2020.

The Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award, first launched in 1996, is the premier private sector environmental award for business and industry in Malaysia. It assists enterprises in identifying areas for improvement in environmental management for these industries. This award also presents an opportunity or public recognition of business and industry’s environmental accomplishment and leadership, as well as to create environmental awareness amongst enterprises that have yet to demonstrate environmental stewardship.

Being conferred as one of the most prestigious Malaysian Environmental Stewardship, PTTSB has clear demonstration of stewardship in the quest for sustainable development. One of the main sustainability acts is the implementation of food composting technology in 2020, which aims to transform food waste into bio-organic fertiliser for plantation and greening the INSTEP campus.

Another notable sustainable act by PTTSB was the implementation of CAPEXLESS High Efficiency Equipment Upgrade under Smart Energy Efficiency (SEE) project in INSTEP, which enables INSTEP to save approximately 407,880 kWh per year of energy consumption, equivalent to a reduction of carbon dioxide emission by 283 tonnes per year.

The leaders of PTTSB presented an award speech on the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award Virtual Event.

Rallying to PETRONAS’s commitment to Sustainability Development Agenda and net zero carbon emission by 2050, PTTSB aspires to step out into new energy and green agenda, with strong transition to a sustainability living space to create a sustainable future while enriching energy workforce. 

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